We offer advanced and wide range of products through a portfolio of global brands that cater to the customized needs of the farmers/users.
The main objects of the company to be pursued by the Company on its incorporation are:-
To aid, assist, promote to establish, develop or execute agro-development projects or enterprises or programmers of manufacture or production of plant, machinery, implements, accessories, tolls, materials, substances, goods or things of any description which in the opinion of the company is likely to promote or advance the development of agro-industries in Himachal Pradesh. To establish, develop, promote, execute, operate and otherwise carry on projects, schemes, industries, business and activities which in the opinion of the company are likely to-
Accelerate and increase agricultural production:
We offer advanced and wide range of products through a portfolio of global brands that cater to the customized needs of the farmers/users.
We offer advanced and wide range of GI Pipe Fitting products through a portfolio of global brands that cater to the customized needs of the customers.
We offer advanced and wide range of Irrigation Machinery products through a portfolio of global brands that cater to the customized needs of the farmers.
We provides multi-layer coated woven and reinforced material ensuring greater strength, more durability, waterproofing, higher tear vermibeds.
We provide advance Training and services for Sericulture business.
We offer advanced and wide range of products through a portfolio of global brands that cater to the customized needs of the farmers and other corporate customers.
HP Agro produces & sells cattle feed to Farmers. Hp Agro also sells poultry & cow feeds.
The Corporation has set up four petrol pumps are various place in Himachal Pradesh. These petrol pumps leased out to Indian oil Corporation.
We offer advanced and wide range of products through a portfolio of global brands that cater to the customized needs of the farmers/users.
HP Agro sells various agricultural implements such as tractor trolleys, water tankers, disc harrows, cultivators, land leveler bullock & tractor drawn agricultural implements.
We offer advanced and wide range of products through a portfolio of global brands that cater to the customized needs of the customers.
We offer advanced and wide range of products through a portfolio of global brands that cater to the customized needs of the farmers/users.
Ground Floor, Nigam Vihar Complex, Shimla-171002
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